The Underground Resistance CD
The Underground Resistance CD The Underground Resistance CD The Underground Resistance CD


The Underground Resistance CD

Label: Peaceville
Price: 16€

Release Year: 2017
Artist Origin: NOR
Style: epic dynamic black heavy metal

three years have passed since the sanguine Circle The Wagons opus, and the legendary Nordic duo is back on another striking mission [2013] to free spirited metallic lands, on any occasion emphasizing the glory of heavy-weighted genre's origins, as top priority bounding through the annals of classic metal sound and structuring; there is a nice traditional black metal nod in some of the songs as well, while in general ferocious and dynamic set of six tracks is drenched in Fenriz's and Nocturno's rich and diverse tastes in all things metal, primarily rooted in the nostalgic yet kicking ass spirit of the eighties, culminating in the final fourteen minute Leave No Cross Unturned epic